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AdBlock Recovery

In today's digital landscape, ad blockers pose a significant challenge for publishers striving to monetize their content effectively. With a growing number of internet users opting to block ads, publishers face the daunting task of recovering lost revenue and re-engaging with their audience.

What is ad recovery?

Ad recovery directly works with the users who have implemented Adblock solutions without negatively impacting user experience and respecting user choices.

Our ad recovery technology works in partnership with major ad blockers through real-time ad compliance enforcement. This works for all direct and programmatic demands. You do not need to make any changes to your site in order to use the Venatus ad recovery feature.

How can ad recovery benefit me?

Ad recovery enables Venatus to recover up to 60% of advertising revenues lost through blockers, ensuring you get the most revenue from your visitors.

This ad recovery technique is not detrimental to the user experience and only recovers inventory for users who have opted in to receiving ads — ensuring your user base remains happy.

Prosper Introduces Intelligent Recovery

With Prosper, we are working even more closely with both our advertising partners and adblock vendors. We also have improved detection and ad delivery which enables us to track the AdBlock user base while intelligently running the scan and auction processes that do not impact the overall site experience. The users are less likely to notice any impact while both AdBlock and Non-AdBlocked inventories are monetized.

In the modern digital landscape, ad blockers present a significant challenge for publishers aiming to effectively monetize their content. As more internet users adopt ad-blocking tools, publishers are increasingly tasked with finding ways to recover lost revenue and reconnect with their audiences.