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  2. Getting started with Venatus

Starting with Venatus

Welcome aboard! It’s great to have you with us at Venatus - the team is super excited to be working with you. They’ll be reviewing your site as we speak, identifying opportunities and optimizations so we can hit the ground running.

A member of the Publisher Onboarding Team will be in touch shortly to take you through the next steps and to start the ad implementation process (don’t worry, we’ll handle all the techy stuff).

For now, here are a few things we can crack on with straight away: 

1) Signing your Publisher Agreement and Data Processing Agreement (DPA).

You’ll receive an email via PandaDoc with both your Publisher Agreement and a Data Processing Agreement (DPA). Look out for an email from global-partnership-contracts@venatus.com. If you could electronically sign these asap, we can then continue with your onboarding process.

2) Complete an onboarding form

We know, another form 😱 but we promise this will make things speedier when it comes to getting you set up within our Venatus UI! These details will also allow us to get your site approved by our demand partners which is the first step to getting Venatus ads on your site. The form can be found by clicking here.

3) Add your payment details 

Once you’re all up and running in the UI, you’ll receive an email inviting you to log in to your Venatus Publisher Dashboard. “Oooh!” I hear you say. And, yes this is where the magic happens. Here you’ll find details and insights into the ad delivery across your site but importantly, please be sure to add your bank details in the Payment Details and History section to make sure nothing stands in the way between you and that sweet ad revenue.

After you’ve nailed all of the above, you will receive a series of emails that guide you along the rest of your onboarding journey. An Onboarding Specialist will be assigned to your account to ensure any questions you may have are answered as quickly as possible.

Occasionally, publishers miss our emails so ensure that you add venatus.com to your email allow list, and if you use Gmail drag one of our emails into your 'Primary' mail box to be sure you never miss any important updates.